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You don’t have what you want because you haven’t asked for it.
Fear of asking for what you want results in not getting what you want.
7 ways to get what you want:
#1. Ask for what you want.
Maybe you advocate for others, but can’t bring yourself to speak for yourself? Learn how to advocate for yourself by following the pattern you use to advocate for others. (Inspired by Adam Grant’s book “Give and Take”.)
Ask small. Ask to run a pilot program that aligns with big goals, for example.
Make your ask about others.
Ask for opportunities to add value. 
Ask for help. Stop waiting for people to magically give you what you want. People enjoy helping. Something’s wrong with your approach if you’re always giving, but not receiving.
#2. Eliminate self-sabotage.
Talk yourself ‘into’, not ‘out of’.
Think of things you can do.
Stop repeating good behaviors that yield disappointing results.
Don’t think so much. Knock on a door and see what happens.
#3. Explore potential opportunities with weak ties, friends of friends, and relationships from the past.
#4. Help others get what they want. “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar
#5. Get real about what you want. Pursuit energizes. If you got what you wanted, you’d want something else. Fulfillment is more in pursuit than achievement.
If you aren’t sure what you want, go with a general idea.
#6. Prepare to hear, “No.” Tighten your belt. Don’t judge yourself. Adapt. Try again.
What would it take for you to enjoy doing what you’ve been putting off?
#7. Poor performance precedes good. You won’t be great at what you want until you’ve practiced it a lot.

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