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An infant watches others walk and learns that walking is possible. But success calls you to turn possibility into reality by stumbling forward.

Others may have stepped out already, but it’s still the unknown for everyone who hasn’t done it before. It feels like letting go and stumbling forward.

Stumbling forward:

Some live life according to plan. In some ways I admire them. But I wonder how you can even imagine the possibilities until you’ve climbed the hill in front of you and spied new terrain?
Writing Leadership Freak began with stumbling. I had no idea what the heck I was doing. I’d never written anything beyond papers in school. Now I serve leaders all over the world. Stumbling forward changed my life.

An opportunity to stumble forward:

A college student approached me with an offer to start a Leadership Freak podcast. I’m stumbling forward with him.
He doesn’t know it, but he’s suggesting things I’ve rejected in the past. I don’t write about current events, for example. He thinks a current events segment on a podcast would be great. I’m stumbling forward.

Skillfully stumbling forward:

Stumbling forward only works if you know which direction is forward.
Don’t think of stumbling as unfocused wandering. Stumbling forward means you have an idea of where you’re going, but you’re not sure how to get there.
Passion clarifies what forward looks like. Does a podcast connect to my passion for leadership development? Yes. Then stumble on.
Reject perfection, but swing for the fence anyway. I hate the thought that stumbling might be an excuse for being halfhearted. Stumbling forward isn’t drifting. It’s stepping into something new with openness and gusto.
Confidence might begin with ‘I think I can.’ But success calls you to boldly stumble forward.
How might leaders incorporate some stumbling into their personal journey, team, or organization?
What input might you have for a Leadership Freak podcast?


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