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Showing posts from January, 2017

Stop the world - I want to get off..

Buried. I’m more than a little embarrassed to admit that I think I may have hit my breaking point.  Chagrined about it, really.  A nice little dollop of shame in there, too. Because I know damned well that many people have it way worse.  They have been wallowing in the vicinity of their own breaking point — feeling buried — for days, weeks, months, years, maybe even generations.  And only now I have the nerve to hop on the bus to Overwhelmed City? The bus is jammed already.  Standing room only.  So let’s say that I’m shoulder to shoulder with gaggles of fellow suffering travelers, being jostled about by one pothole after another. Fighting back nausea.  I am not at all prone to motion sickness, so this feeling is new.  I want off. There’s just too much going on.  All at once.  And it isn’t letting up. So my personal water table simply cannot return to some semblance of equilibrium. I’m full up.  Emotionally flooded.  This blog helps, though cataloguing my own parade of horribles seems b

Blockchain partners with token market ..

Blockchain advisory company Blockchain Partners (BCP) and Gibraltar-based crowdsale platform TokenMarket are partnering up to provide a full-service advisory for Blockchain startups to help them run better Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). An ICO is a new type of crowdfunding instrument where startup companies issue Blockchain-based digital tokens that can be used on their service. Over the past two years, one quarter of the billion dollars ($250m)  invested in Blockchain startups came from ICOs.  And according to Venturebeat , Blockchain startups raising funds via ICOs make up 20% of the world’s largest crowdfunding projects in total. The most successful ICO’s raised millions from investors, but these token-based fundraisings can be challenging as they often include new business models, complicated smart-contracts and unclear legal aspects.          “Together with Blockchain Partners, we have an extensive network and expertise in the Blockchain space,” stated TokenMarket C

Review The Billion Coin - Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency translated from Indonesian to English Cryptocurrency has become popular today. Behind it, there are also the fraudsters are trying to seize the moment, and trying to make a profit by using the term. One is Thebillioncoin (thebillioncoin [dot] com), or abbreviated to TB. First heard it also had to think this is the Tuberculosis TB (tuberculosis abbreviated to TBC) as it stands is more popular in Indonesia. But this one, is the name of a coin, which claims to be one of the cryptocurrency. Of the many cryptocurrency, this one claimed its market always goes up. The course aims to attract new members. Such models are certainly too good to be true. Cradles beautiful dreams to prospective new members. Set- tling them to be able to be a millionaire in a short time. Moreover, most of the new members are people who do not understand much about cryptocurrency. Market Cryptocurrency, must be running reasonably based on market conditions. In accordance with the adopters c

How to create a bitcoin wallet

How To Set Up a Wallet A “wallet” is basically the Bitcoin equivalent of a bank account. It allows you to receive bitcoins, store them, and then send them to others. There are two main types of wallets. A software wallet is one that you install on your own computer or mobile device. You are in complete control over the security of your coins, but they can sometimes be tricky to install and maintain. A web wallet or hosted wallet is one that is hosted by a third party. They are often much easier to use, but you have to trust the provider to maintain high levels of security to protect your coins. There are four main wallets that we recommend for beginners. Coinbase Sending coins with Coinbase Coinbase is a web wallet with a simple design and a number of very useful features that make it excellent for beginners. You can send and receive bitcoins via email and buy and sell bitcoins directly from Coinbase. A full-featured Android app enables access to all accou

MMMBTC.ONLINE mmmbtccommunity online the best bitcoin investments

NEW PEER TO PEER COMMUNITY FEATURES###### 1. 100% AFTER 15Days 2. No Recommission 3. 5% Referral commission o 4. 5% MANAGERS COMMISSION 5. SECURED PLATFORM 6. PH LOCKED 15 DAYS 7. GH PAIRED INSTANTLY 8.BONUS WITHDRAWABLE ANYTIME Min PH $10 - $10000(BTC) Min GH $10 - $10000(BTC) After you PH it will take 1 - 3 Days to be paired Regester Link:- REGISTER TO MMMBTC COMMUNITY PH NOW TO SOMEONE IN NEED AND GET GELP AFTER 15DAYS WITH 100% PROFIT NO CENTRAL ACCOUNT WHERE ALL FUNDS ARE STORED, THE SYSTEM JUST MEANT FOR GUIDANCE CHANGE YOUR LIFE TODAY. No referral needed Just invest and harvest But if you want to refer you will receive 5% Referral commission for every Downline PH Regester Link:- REGISTER TO MMMBTC COMMUNITY

Everything About the billion coin... TBC !

We here at TBC are proud to present ! Penalty for Breaking the Membership Agreement All of your TBC wallets will be suspended without warning for up to six months if submitted documentation proves that you are attempting to or have broken the Membership Agreement. All buying and selling of TBC coins must be done at the Current Price. Selling TBC coins at a discount is strictly forbidden and punishment will be swift and without notice given. All packages of TBC coins sold adding TBC coins as a gift will also be considered a discounting of the price of TBC and will be punished. The foundation of the TBC community is the Membership Agreement and we will not allow anyone to crack it, and have zero tolerance for anyone who attempts to break it. BEFORE YOU GET STARTED: is an exchange where you must sell your TBC for Bitcoin. The exchange does not support withdrawing your TBC coins to a Bitco

The Moment I Became an Adult..

Some people think that you become an adult upon turning eighteen years old, or at least 21 when you can legally drink. Others say it’s when you get your driver’s license. Now, I don’t want to argue semantics, but I firmly believe that the milestone of adulthood, for me, was my first time. My first time putting my phone out of commission the night before the first day of college and having to independently deal with the consequences of my stupidity, I mean. In the absence of my phone, I deployed such resourceful thinking—of which no one, especially not I, would’ve believed me capable—that I felt an overwhelming urge after-the-fact to sit down and pen a pretentious college application essay. (Naturally, I didn’t, but you have to admit it would’ve been the logical progression.) School started on the 24 th  of August. Thus, the 23 rd  was filled with kickoff events, such as “Gone to Business” for my major and “Gone to Texas” for all freshmen. “Gone to Business” was essential

is this the new year

New Year’s Eve falls squarely under that old Socratic definition of insanity: repeating the same thing and expecting a different result. Most everyone will admit that it’s an overrated evening filled with high expectations that ultimately ends up being just like every other night, only a bit later and involving a lot more booze. The idea of a New Year is an appealing one, that with a turn of a page and another sunrise we are somehow in a different paradigm than we were the day before. That’s never been more appealing to me than it is now. 2016 involved an existential freefall that began with a cancer diagnosis in the family and ended with starting antidepressants in the last week of the year. In between, I was hit by a car while riding my bicycle, went on an epic road trip in a new-to-me car that reignited my passion for all things automobile and fly fishing, made dozens of new friends who are now dear and regular parts of my life, and crashed on my bike the day after returning home fr

New Year resolution for bloggers

I sympathize with people who think that New Year’s resolutions are dumb, because yes, it’s an arbitrary time/reason to decide to improve yourself. (I also sympathize with the same logic applied to invented holidays–and let’s face it, they’re all invented. Why should you specifically appreciate your significant other on February 14th? Why should you give loved ones gifts on December 25th? And so on.) But here’s an argument in favor of it: sometimes there’s value in being prompted at a specific time. You don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day because the other days don’t matter, but because appreciating your significant other by carving out time specifically for that is often lost in the day-to-day. Being prompted to create some goals and frameworks for improving quality of life is useful because it’s hard to step back, evaluate, and plan, when we’re insanely busy and stressed. One of my resolutions is to get in the habit of writing more frequently, and part of that is learning to write shorter


Those who seek happiness by avoiding discomfort, meet dissatisfaction along the way. Meaningful discomfort is part of happiness. 4 reasons people end up halfhearted and fully unhappy: Too many options. Keeping all our options open blocks meaningful commitment. Too many easy commitments.   The path to satisfaction is going in fewer directions with greater energy. Too much self-protection. Commitments feel dangerous. But the real danger is never making them. Too many exceptions. An exception is an expensive lie. Being late to meetings and lack of follow-through begin with ‘next time’ thinking. Eventually easy exceptions become destructive habits. 3 power questions to lead others to a happy new year: #1. What can you pour yourself into? Invite them to pour themselves into something meaningful. Gusto is cousin to happiness. Dabblers become unhappy complainers. A halfhearted life produces full unhappiness.  Apathy never makes you happy. #2. How might you stretch yourself? Encourage them to


Four years ago, I asked   Henry Mintzberg   for the word of advice he most frequently shares. His response is a guiding light. He said one word, “Connect.” Leadership in its fundamental form is about connecting with others. 5 neglected strategies to connect with others: #1. Seek to advantage others. Self-seeking leaders employ deception and manipulation to achieve self-serving ends. Trust is the conviction that you have another’s advantage in mind. You’ll do no harm. If necessary, disadvantage yourself for the advantage of others. Ask: Who might I know who can help? What resources can I provide? What are your goals? How might I pull with you? Evaluate yourself by asking, ‘How am I seeking to advantage others?” Frustration decreases and fulfillment increases when others believe you always seek to advantage others. #2. Be curious about others. Everything doesn’t have to be about you. Let go of quick judgement. Ask second questions. Reject inclinations to out-do. #3. Give second chances.


You might be a great leader if you stopped shooting yourself in the foot. 5 self-defeating leadership behaviors: Asking too many questions about the past. Allowing narrow bands of competence to blind you to wide bands of incompetence. Being great with technology isn’t an excuse to be lousy with people. Being great with people isn’t justification for lousy execution. Working in isolation – getting lost in doing things. Holding grudges and clinging to past disappointments.   Baggage always holds back. Giving up on others too quickly.   Forgiveness enables growth and strengthens relationships. 3 surprising ways to lead – even if you haven’t led before: #1. Lead feelings. 3 steps to leading feelings. Notice how things feel in the environment where you work. Monitor how people feel after interacting with you. Adopt intentional behaviors that build positive environments. What would people be doing if your environment was bright? Do that. #2. Look around and out. One purpose of self-reflectio