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Showing posts from November, 2017

The Shape Of Goodness

A couple weeks ago, I got one of those phone calls you don’t want to get, the ones that — this you realize later — divide time into before and after.


THE WORSHIP EXPERIENCE  THE EMPIRE OF DAVID Presents the worship experience with chibuike okey which was the Anticipation in the air in the streets in the churches at gatherings even before the date of event and the event it self was one of a kind it was a program that the Lord him self completely took charge and control that day words alone can't explain it enough just kindly visit YouTube to watch the full video ... or  click play on the video below to see for your self but please don't forget to subscribe...                Brought and sponsored by :   THE EMPIRE OF DAVID

How to fight for bright and WIN

You’re always thinking about something. Often it’s negative. Dark is magnetic for at least three reasons: First, it’s likely you have a loud inner critic. Additionally, Psychologist  Mihaly Csikszentimihalyi  says, “… worrying is the brain’s default position.” Second, “Nothing is as important as you think it is while you’re thinking about it.”  Daniel Kahneman . That means your loud inner critic and other negative thoughts seem more important than they really are. Third,  Bad is stronger than good .


Kindness, like most things, is easy until you get serious about it. I spent last week focused on kindness. It was a fiasco. It’s not that I’m unkind.


You can’t give 100% effort 100% of the time. College football games are won by giving maximum focus and effort six seconds at a time.